Sunday, August 2, 2009

The week...

Soccer season starts tomorrow....and guess who is the coach of Emily's team? So, once again, my weeks are no longer my own. Between Sarah's summer softball team, Aly's dance class and now Emily's soccer ....things will be a bit interesting. As of today (things are subject to change) here is what a DODO's schedule looks like...

Monday - Pick up Sarah and Emily - Take Emily to, and run Soccer Practice
Tuesday - Pick up Sarah, Emily and Aly, take Aly to Dance Class...practice softball with Sarah and Emily while waiting
Wednesday - Pick up Sarah and Emily - Take Emily to, and run Soccer Practice
Thursday - Pick up Sarah, Emily and Aly, take Sarah to softball with practice (I am the asst coach for this team). Leave practice early and run across Chula Vista for a softball Board Meeting (Did I forget to mention I am on the board at Bonita Valley Softball?)
Friday - Pick up Sarah and Emily - Take Emily to Soccer Academy
Saturday - Emily Soccer game at 9...Sarah softball game at 12.

Sunday...collapse into a big pile of exhaustion (by exhaustion, I mean laundry). Just another week in the life of a DODO.

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